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Sampling, storage and sample preparation procedures for X ray fluorescence analysis of environmental materials. INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY. 1.3.1 Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis (EDXRF) 11. 1.3.2 Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (WDXRF) .PDF | X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is a physical technique of rapid elemental analysis. It makes it possible to determine the chemical composition,. Portable X-ray fluorescence analysers (PXRF) represent a category of hand-held instrumentation that is capable of in situ simultaneous multielement analysis b) Auger emission spectroscopy (AES) c) X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XFS) d) Electron spectroscopy (ESCA) e) X–ray absorption f) X–ray diffraction
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